Saturday, April 14, 2012

Titanic Fact 11: Length

Titanic, from the bottom to the smokestacks, stood 11 story's in height. Length wise, Titanic was longer than the height of any skyscraper in her time. Today, her length is about the same as the height of the Empire State building.

1 comment:

  1. Not even close,
    The ESB, at 1454 ft, is over one-and-a-half the height of Titanic-on-end.
    Titanic is also shorter than the Chrysler Bldg which is about 1,000 ft.
    No, the object in New York most similar to Titanic is the Frank-Gehry bldg on City Hall Park: 8 Spruce st/Beekman Tower (876 ft).
